Goranka Matić

Goranka Matić (1949, Maribor, Slovenia) lives and works in Belgrade. She graduated in art history from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She took up photography in 1980 and has published her works in the magazines DžuboksStart, Svijet, Polet, Omladinske novine, Duga, Liberation, Delo, Politika. Since its foundation in 1971, she has been collaborating with the Student Cultural Centre (SKC) and was one of the editors of the art program and curator of its Happy New Art Gallery. From 1978 to 1980, she ran the 45 Gallery in Novi Beograd. In the 1980s, she became involved in rock photography and made numerous record covers for some of the most famous rock bands in this region.

She was the editor of photography in the weekly Vreme and the daily Politika, and in 2010 she started working at the Radio Television of Serbia – Art Directorate.

She taught photojournalism at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade for eight years; a member of ULUPUDS since 1986; exhibited in the country and abroad and received the 39th October Salon Award, the Osvajanje slobode [Conquering Freedom] Award in 2002, the Politika Award in 2004 and the annual ULUPUDS Award in 2005; published the books Days of Pain and Pride and Ten Years Against; the Association of Journalists of Serbia awarded Goranka Matić with the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. She is an assistant professor at the Department of Digital Arts at the Faculty of Media and Communications. Her works are part of the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade.

Goran Vejvoda, 1980
Margita Stefanović Magi, 1986
Dušan Makavejev, 1986
Film, 1981
Šarlo Akrobata Band in SKC, 1980
Đorđe Balašević, 1989

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